
설측교정 전문 클리닉 청아치과


오늘도 최상의 의료진이 여러분께 건강한 치아와 아름다운 미소로 행복한 생활을 누리실 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다. 그동안 수많은 임상 경험과 해외에서도 인정받는 연구 결과를 바탕으로 여러분께 꼭 맞는 맞춤 교정을 추구합니다.

교정 치료는 단순히 비뚤어진 치아를 가지런히 하는 것이 아닙니다. 여러 가지 골격적 부조화를 바로잡아 정상적인 기능을 발휘할 수 있도록 하여 건강한 구강 조직 및 아름다운 얼굴 모습을 만들어주는 것입니다.

청아치과는 여러분의 쾌적하고 편안한 진료를 위해 최첨단 의료 장비와 정확한 진단, 철저한 원칙의 치료를 약속드립니다. 건강한 치아가 건강한 웃음을 드립니다. 오늘의 청아의 명성은 결코 하루 아침에 이루어진 것이 아닙니다.

현대를 살아가며 꼭 필요한 자신감 넘치는 밝은 웃음 여러분께 찾아드립니다. 청아치과를 찾아주셔서 감사합니다.

의료진 소개

대한설측교정치과의사회 (KALO, Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontists, 2010~2012) 회장을 역임한 홍윤기 원장의 설측교정으로의 여정은 1985년 서울대 치과대학을 졸업하고 1986년 일본 Tsurumi대학 치학부 교정학교실에 유학하여 Tsuruta교수를 지도교수로서 만나면서 시작되었습니다.

Tsuruta교수는 설측교정의 창시자인 Fujita교수를 소개하여 설측교정에 대한 많은 지식을 접할 수 있게 해주었고 25살의 젊은 레지던트를 격려하여 설측교정에 관심을 갖게 해주었습니다.

그리하여 1991년 4월 박사과정을 마치고 귀국한 홍윤기 원장은 설측교정을 우리나라에 알리고 전념하면서 30여편 이상의 논문(refereed articles)과 3권의 전문서적을 발간하며 그의 이름을 세계에 알리게 되었습니다.

결국 학문적으로 인정받아 세계3대인명사전인 Marquis Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare 2006~2007, Marquis Who’s Who in Asia 2007, 그리고 Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2008에 등재하게 되었습니다.

그리고 2011년 4월 2~4일 일본 오사카에서 개최된 제4회 세계설측교정학회(World Society of Lingual Orthodontics, WSLO) 학술대회에서 치루어진 첫번째 세계설측교정전문의 시험에 통과하여 2023년 현재 우리나라 유일한 세계설측교정전문의 (Diplomate, World Board of Lingual Orthodontists)가 되었고 2023년 3월 1~3일 일본 코베에서 개최된 제10회 세계설측교정학회 총회에서 제7대 세계설측교정학회 회장으로 선출되었습니다.

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  • 세계설측교정학회 (WSLO) 회장 (2023-2027)
  • 세계설측교정전문의 (Diplomate of WBLO, 2024년 현재 국내 유일)
  • 대한민국 치과교정과 전문의
  • 대한설측교정치과의사회 (KALO) 회장 역임
  • 제6회 세계설측교정학회 (WSLO) 학술대회 조직위원장 역임
  • 서울대학교•단국대학교•경희대학교 치과대학 치과교정과 외래교수
  • 울산대학교 의과대학 치과학교실 외래교수

  • 1985 서울대학교 치과대학 졸업
  • 1987-1991 일본 쯔루미대학교 치학부 치과교정과 수련 및 박사학위 취득
  • 1991-1994 홍윤기치과 원장
  • 1994-2007 청아치과병원 교정과 과장
  • 2007-현재 청아 치과교정과 치과의원 원장


  • 2006년 국제적인 의료인선정 – 세계 3대인명사전 편찬기관인 International Biographical Centre 선정
  • 21세기 저명한 지성인 2000인 등재 – 세계 3대 인명사전 편찬기관인 International Biographical Centre 편찬
  • 21세기 위대한 지성인 2005/2006년판 등재 – 세계 3대 인명사전 편찬기관인 American Biographical Institute 편찬
  • Marquis Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare 2006~2007년판 등재- 세계 3대 인명사전 편찬기관인 Marquis Who’s Who 편찬
  • Marquis Who’s Who in Asia2007 초판등재 – 세계 3대 인명사전 편찬기관인 Marquis Who’s Who 편찬
  • Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2008 초판등재 – 세계 3대 인명사전 편찬기관인 Marquis Who’s Who 편찬


  1. Hong RK, Ahn JH. Correction of a gummy smile and lip protrusion by orthodontic retreatment with lingual appliances and temporary skeletal anchorage devices. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:603-16.
  2. Hong RK, Lim SM, Ahn JH. Lingual orthodontic treatment of a bidentoalveolar protrusion case with multi-slotted brackets and preformed straight archwires. Orthod Waves 2019;78:74-83.
  3. Hong RK, Lim SM, Heo JM, Ahn JH. Treatment of bimaxillary protrusion with lever-arm mechanics and micro-implant anchorage. J Clin Orthod 2014;48:505-512.
  4. Ahn JH, Park YJ, Hong RK, Kim SJ. Correction of lip protrusion with lingual brackets and palatal anchorage. J Clin Orthod 2013;47:614-623.
  5. Hong RK, Lim SM, Heo JM, Baik SH. Orthodontic treatment of gummy smile by maxillary total intrusion with a midpalatal absolute anchorage system. Korean J Orthod 2013;43(3):147-158.
  6. Lim SM, Hong RK. The tandem archwire technique in lingual orthodontics. J Clin Orthod 2013;47:232-40.
  7. Hong RK, Lim SM, Heo JM, Baik SH. Lingual applications of the midpalatal absolute anchorage system. J Clin Orthod 2012;46:344-353.
  8. Hong RK. Various applications of mid-palatal absolute anchorage system using SMS screw in lingual orthodontic treatment. JJLOA 2012;23:23-30.
  9. Ahn JH, Bae KH, Park YJ, Hong RK, Nam JH, Kim MJ. Assessment of antero-posterior skeletal relationships in adult Korean patients in the natural head position and centric relation. Korean J Orthod 2010;40(6):421-431.
  10. Lim SM, Hong RK. Distal movement of maxillary molars using a lever-arm and mini-implant system. Angle Orthod 2008;78:167-171.
  11. Hong RK. Screw-assisted lingual orthodontic treatment. J Jpn Lingual Othod Assoc 2007:18:2-11.
  12. Hong RK. Screw-assisted orthodontic treatment. AORK 2007;19:6-25.
  13. Tsuruta M, Hong RK, Echarri P. Indirect bending method of mushroom archwire. Ortodoncia Clinica 2006;9:18-20.
  14. Hong RK, Kim TG, Lim SM, Lee CH. Modified intrusive mechanics in lingual segmented-arch technique.J Clin Orthod 2005;39:489-495.
  15. Hong RK, Heo JM, Ha YK. Lever-arm and mini-implant system for anterior torque control during retraction in lingual orthodontic treatment. Angle Orthod 2005;75:129-141.
  16. Lim SM, Hong RK, Park JY. A new indirect bonding method of a lingual retainer. J Clin Orthod 2004;38:652-655.
  17. Hong RK, Kim TG, Kim TW. Incisor inclination indicator for anterior torque control during retraction in lingual orthodontic treatment. Kor J Orthod 2004,;34:544-554.
  18. Kim TG, Hong RK. Lingual orthodontic treatment of a Class I crowding with the use of CLIB system and MAT. World J Orthod 2002;1:436-446.
  19. Hong RK. Tandem archwire technique in the Fujita lingual bracket treatment. J Lingual Orthod 2002;2:100-104.
  20. Hong RK, Hong HP, Koh HS. Effect of reverse curve mushroom archwire on lower incisors in adult patients. Angle Orthod 2002;71:425-432.
  21. Hong RK, Kim YH, Park JY. A new customized lingual indirect bonding system. J Clin Orthod 2000;34:456-460.
  22. Hong RK, Lee JG, Sunwoo J, Lim SM. Lingual orthodontics combined with orthognathic surgery in a skeletal Class II patient. J Clin Orthod 2000;34:403-408.
  23. Hong RK, Sohn HW. Update on the Fujita lingual bracket. J Clin Orthod 1999;33:136-142.
  24. Hong RK, Ahn JH, Soh BC. Correction of an anterior crossbite with a combination technique. J Clin Orthod 1998;32:557-561.
  25. Hong RK, Tsuruta M. Correction of unilateral posterior crossbite through the use of RME and multibracket appliances. Kor J Orthod 1997;27:1005-1010.
  26. Hong RK, Sunwoo J, Park JH. Incisor inclination indicator for diagnostic setups. J Clin Orthod 1997;31:620-623.
  27. Hong RK, Soh BC. Customized indirect bonding method for lingual orthodontics. J Clin Orthod 1996;30:650-652.
  28. Hong RK, Ahn JH. Lingual orthodontic treatment- case reports. J Kor Dent Assoc 1996;34:53-61.
  29. Hong RK.Lingual orthodontic treatment- mechanotherapy. J Kor Dent Assoc 1995;33:879-885.
  30. Hong RK.Lingual orthodontic treatment- indirect bending method. J Kor Dent Assoc 1995;33:811-813.
  31. Hong RK, SohBC. Lingual orthodontic treatment- customized indirect bonding method. J Kor Dent Assoc 1995;33:727-732.
  32. Hong RK, Woo YJ. Indirect transfer tray, orthodontic repositioner and invisible retainer. J Kor Dent Assoc 1995;33:643-647.
  33. Horiguchi Y, Hong RK, Tsuruta M. Orthodontic patients treated with multi-lingual bracket therapy. Tsurumi Dental 1994;20:151-161.
  34. Hong RK, Yamane A, Kuwahara Y, Chiba M. The effect of orthodontic retention on the mechanical properties of the periodontal ligament in the rat maxillary first molar. J Dent Res 1992;71:1350-1354.
  35. Hong RK. The effects of orthodontic forces on the mechanical properties of the periodontal ligament in the rat maxillary molars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1990;98:533-543.


  1. 머슈룸 아치와이어 테크닉과 설측브라켓. 제1판. 서울:지성출판사; 2000.
  2. Ortho Tads: The clinical guide and atlas. U.S.A.: Under Dog Media; 2007 – contributor.
  3. 설측교정: 머슈룸 아치와이어 테크닉과 설측브라켓. 제2판. 서울:지성출판사; 2009.
  4. Lingual orthodontic treatment: Mushroom archwire technique and the lingual bracket. Seoul: Dentos; 2009.
  5. リンガルブラケト矯正治療法. 東京: 東京臨床出版; 2011. (Japanese)
  6. Ortodontia Lingual: Princípios e Aplicações Clínicas. São Paulo: Santos Editora; 2013. (Portuguese)
  7. Skeletal anchorage in orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusion: Contemporary applications of orthodontic implants, miniscrew implants and miniplates. Mosby Elsevier; 2015 – contributor.
  8. Contemporary Lingual Orthodontics (Korean Edition). Young-Chel Park (Editor), contributed as a chapter author (Chapter 14), DaehanNarae Publishing, 2015.
  9. Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics. JH Park (Editor), contributed as a chapter author (Chapter 48), Hoboken: Wiley; 2020.
  10. 골격성 III급 부정교합의 체계적인 교정치료. DaehanNarae Publishing, 2021.

국제학회에서의 주요강연

  1. The Latest Lingual Orthodontics: Customized Brackets, Preformed Straight Archwire, and Multi-functional Micro-implant at the 2024 Congress of Australasian Society of Lingual Orthodontists (ASLO), Sydney, Australia from 1st to 4th August 2024.
  2. Lingual Orthodontic Treatment of Bimaxillary Dentoalveolar Protrusion with Dental Class II Division 1 and 2 Malocclusions in Adults with The Use of TSAD at the 15th European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO), Amsterdam, Netherland from 27th to 30th, 2024.
  3. Lingual orthodontic method mimicking Le Fort Ⅰ maxillary impaction surgery to improve gummy smile in both the anterior and posterior areas at the 9th Meeting of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO), Kobe, Japan from March 1st to 3rd 2023.
  4. Biomechanics of lingual orthodontics and TSAD at the 2022 Congress of Australasian Society of Lingual  Orthodontists (ASLO), Melbourne, Australia from 4th to 7th August 2022.
  5. Lingual orthodontic treatment using multi-slotted bracket, preformed straight archwire, and temporary skeletal anchorage device at the 7th Meeting of Assciacao Brasileira de Ortodontia Lingual (ABOL), Sao Paulo, Brasil from 29th to 30th November 2019.
  6. Biomechanics of Lingual Orthodontics and TAD at the 8th Meeting of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO), Barcelona, Spain from 4th to 6th July 2019.
  7. Why multi-slotted bracket in lingual orthodontic treatment? at the 2nd Asian Lingual Orthodontic Meeting (ALOM) and the 4th Joint Meeting of KALO and JLOA, Tokyo, Japan from 23rd to 25th November 2018.
  8. Multi-slotted brackets and preformed straight archwires for smart lingual orthodontic treatment at the precongress program of the 2nd Asian Lingual Orthodontic Meeting (ALOM) and the 4th Joint Meeting of KALO and JLOA, Tokyo, Japan from 23rd to 25th November 2018.
  9. Effective and Convenient Lingual Orthodontic Solution: The Anboini System at the the 13th European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO), Cascais, Portugal from 28th June to 1st July 2018.
  10. The Anboini System: Lingual Straight Archwire Technique and the Multi-slotted Lingual Bracket at the 1st Meeting of Tunisian Society of Lingual Orthodontics (TSLO), Tunis, Tunisia from 30th November to 2nd December 2017.
  11. The Anboini System: Lingual Straight Archwire Technique and the Multi-slotted Lingual Bracket at the 7th Meeting of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO), Bangkok, Thailand from 29th June to 1st July 2017.
  12. The Anboini system: multi-slotted lingual bracket and preformed lingual straight archwire at the 12th European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO), Athens, Greece from 30th June to 3rd July 2016.
  13. The Anboini system: multi-slotted lingual bracket and preformed lingual straight archwire at the 1st Asian Lingual Orthodontic Meeting (ALOM) and the 3rd Joint Meeting of KALO and JLOA, Seoul, Korea from 9th to 10th April 2016.
  14. The Aesthetics and Biomechanics of Lingual Orthodontics 2.0 at National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), Taipei, Taiwan, 13th December, 2015.
  15. The Anboini system: multi-slotted lingual bracket and preformed lingual straight archwire at the 6th Meeting of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO), Seoul, Korea from 3rd to 5th July 2015.
  16. The Anboni system: multi-slotted lingual bracket and preformed lingual straight archwire at the 7th Annual Scientific Meeting of Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontists (KALO) and the 2nd Joint Meeting of KALO and JLOA, Nagoya, Japan from 22nd to 24th November 2014.
  17. Orthodontic treatment of a bidentoalveolar protrusion with normally inclined upper incisors, using lever-arm and micro-implant (LA-MI) system at the 41st Meeting of Japanese Association of Orthodontists (JAO), Sendai, Japan from 12th from 13th February 2014.
  18. Anboini System at the 5th Meeting of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO), Paris, France from 4th to 6th July 2013.
  19. The mid-palatal absolute anchorage system (MAAS) in lingual orthodontics: Season 2 at the 4th Meeting of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO), Osaka, Japan from 2nd to 4th April 2011.
  20. The mid-palatal absolute anchorage system (MAAS) in lingual orthodontics at 9th European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO) Congress, London, United Kingdom from 8th to 11th July 2010.
  21. The Aesthetics and Biomechanics of Lingual Orthodontics at National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), Taipei, Taiwan, from 21st to 22nd May, 2010.
  22. The mid-palatal absolute anchorage system (MAAS) in lingual orthodontics at 7th International Orthodontic Congress (IOC), Sydney, Australia from 6th to 9th February 2010.
  23. Mushroom archwire technique (MAT) at the 2nd International Symposium of Japan Lingual Orthodontic Association (JLOA), Tokyo, Japan on 3rd November 2009.
  24. The mid-palatal absolute anchorage system (MAAS) in lingual orthodontics at the III Meeting of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO), Buenos Aires, Argentina from 4th to 7th March 2009.
  25. The mid-palatal absolute anchorage system (MAAS) in lingual orthodontic treatment at the 6th Asian Implant Orthodontic Conference (AIOC), Taichung, Taiwan from 14th to 16th December 2007.
  26. The mid-palatal absolute anchorage system (MAAS) in lingual orthodontic treatment at the 2nd World Society of Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO) Congress, Seoul, Korea from 14th to 15th July 2007.
  27. Perfect finishing in lingual orthodontic treatment at the 7th European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO) Congress, Venice-mestre, Italy from 15th to 18th June 2006.
  28. Lingual orthodontics and skeletal anchorage with miniscrews at the Precongress Courses of the 7th European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO) Congress, Venice-mestre, Italy from 15th to 18th June 2006.
  29. Perfect finishing in lingual orthodontic treatment at the 1st World Congress on Lingual Orthodontics, New York, USA from 2nd to 4th March 2006.
  30. Screw-assisted lingual orthodontic treatment at the 2nd International Convention of Japan Lingual Orthodontic Association, Tokyo, Japan from 27th to 28th March 2005.
  31. Lever-arm and mini-implant system for anterior torque control during retraction in lingual orthodontics at the 6th European Lingual Orthodontic Congress, Barcelona, Spain from 30th June to 4th July 2004.
  32. Effects of reverse curve mushroom archwire on lower incisors in adult patients at the 5th World Congress of the European Society of Lingual Orthodontics, Berlin, Germany from 20th to 22nd June 2002.
  33. Extraction and nonextraction treatment of Class I with lingual edgewise technique at the Continuing Education in the Department of Orthodontics, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy from 22nd to 24th February 2001.
  34. Update orthodontic treatment method according to Fujita at the Course of Perfection on Adult Orthodontics in the Department of Orthodontics, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy from 28th to 30th October 1999.
  35. Effect of the incisor inclination indicator on the treatment result of a Class II div. 1 malocclusion at the 1st International Congress on Lingual Orthodontics, Tokyo, Japan from 28th to 30th March 1999.

국내학회에서의 주요강연

  1. Anboini Lingual Orthodontic Treatment at the 12th Congress of Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontists (KALO), Seoul, Korea on 12th November 2020.
  2. Midpalatal Absolute Anchorage System (MAAS) for Three-Dimensional Tooth Control in Lingual Orthodontic Treatment: SMS microimplant at the pre-congress program of the 51st Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists from 21st Nov to 23rd Nov 2018.
  3. Why multi-slotted bracket in lingual orthodontic treatment at the 10th Congress of Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontists (KALO), Seoul, Korea on 8th April 2018.
  4. Solution of the vertical problems in lingual orthodontics at the 2017 Symposium of Korean Society of Orthodontists (KSO), Seoul, Korea on 25th June, 2017.
  5. The Anboini System: Lingual Straight Archwire Technique and the Multi-slotted Lingual Bracket at Special Lecture, Department of Orthodontics, Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea on 11th April, 2017.
  6. Anterior torque control during retraction in lingual orthodontics at the 2016 Symposium of Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontists (KALO), Seoul, Korea on 20th November, 2016.
  7. The Anboni system: multi-slotted lingual bracket and preformed lingual straight archwire at the 47th Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists (KAO), Seoul, Korea from 31st October to 2nd November 2014.
  8. Orthodontic Treatment of Various Borderline Cases at the 2013 Symposium of Korean Society of Orthodontists (KSO), Seoul, Korea on 20th June, 2013.
  9. Midpalatal Absolute Anchorage System in Lingual Orthodontic Treatment – Season 2: SMS Screw at the 5th Annual Scientific Meeting of Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontists (KALO) and the 1st Joint Meeting of KALO and JLOA, Seoul, Korea from 7th to 8th April 2012.
  10. Lingual orthodontic treatment: Various protruded lips at the 4th Congress of Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontists (KALO), Seoul, Korea on 17th April 2011.
  11. Midpalatal absolute anchorage system (MAAS) in lingual orthodontic treatment at the 1st Congress of Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontists (KALO), Seoul, Korea on 27th April 2008.
  12. The mid-palatal absolute anchorage system: MAAS at the 10th Conference of the Alumni Association, Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea on 15th April 2007.
  13. Screw-assisted lingual orthodontic treatment at the 5th Symposium of Lingual Orthodontic Treatment of Korean Lingual Orthodontic Association (KLOA), Seoul, Korea on 24th October 2004.
  14. Problems and solutions in lingual orthodontic treatment at the 2004 Symposium of Korean Society of Orthodontists (KSO), Seoul, Korea on 12th June 2004.
  15. Anterior torque control during retraction in lingual orthodontic treatment at the 4th Symposium of Lingual Orthodontic Treatment of Korean Lingual Orthodontic Association (KLOA), Seoul, Korea on 15th June 2003.
  16. Lingual approach to various malocclusions with Fujita lingual bracket at the 3rd Symposium of Lingual Orthodontic Treatment of Korean Lingual Orthodontic Association (KLOA), Seoul, Korea on 2nd June 2002.
  17. Effective tooth movement in mushroom archwire technique at the 2nd Symposium of Lingual Orthodontic Treatment of Korean Lingual Orthodontic Association (KLOA), Seoul, Korea on 10th June 2001.
  18. Comparison of Fujita and Kurz lingual bracket systems at the 1st Symposium of Multi-lingual Bracket Treatment of Korean Lingual Orthodontic Association (KLOA), Seoul, Korea on 9th April 2000. 

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진료실 2
방사선 촬영실
내부인테리어 3
안내데스크 1 입구 병원전경 1 내부인테리어 1 병원전경 2 내부인테리어 2 안내데스크 2 진료실 1 진료실 2 방사선 촬영실 내부인테리어 3

오시는 길

청아치과는 강남의 중심지인 역삼역 (2호선) 6번출구에서 1분이내에 위치해 있어 편하게 이용하실 수 있습니다.


  • 지하철 2호선 역삼역 6번 출구 바로 옆 송촌빌딩  도보로 1분 이내


  • 역삼역 주변 버스 정류장에 따른 노선 버스 
  • 정류장 23280 : 146, 242, 341, 360, 740, N13, N61
  • 정류장 23281 : 147,463,4211
  • 정류장 23282 : 147,463,4211,9600광주
  • 정류장 23283 : 147,341, 360, 740, N13, N61, 1100남양주, 1700남양주, 2000남양주, 2000-1남양주, 3600포천, 7007남양주, 8001남양주, 9303하남
  • 정류장 23811 : 6000, 6020, 6020-1
  • 정류장 23812 : 6000, 6020, 6020-1
  • 정류장 23288 : 146, 341, 360, 740, N13, N61, 1100남양주, 1700남양주, 2000-1남양주, 2000남양주, 3200시흥, 3300시흥, 3400시흥, 7007남양주, 8001남양주, 9303하남


  • 강남역에서 역삼역 방향으로 직진하시고 역삼역 사거리에서 U턴 하셔서 역삼역 4번 출구 전 골목으로 우회전 하신 후 조금 진행 후 오른쪽으로 직진하시면 송촌빌딩 뒤쪽 기계식주차장이 나옵니다.
  • 언주역쪽에서 쭉 직진하신 후 송촌빌딩과 수협은행 사이 골목으로 들어와 송촌빌딩 뒤로 가시면 기계식 주차가 가능합니다.  


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